Curly fries
2 min readAug 23, 2020

United States of ‘Murica — The New World Order

The Unites States of ‘Murica or USM as its less commonly called has in elections in a few months. Both sides are fervently fueling their agenda with every other argument saying we are atleast better than the other side. When god — for lack of a more commonly accepted term for the director and scriptwriter of this — decided to spay some of that nationalist gold-dust across the world, USM caught a lot of that. A lot of them are sneezing flags and are talking about walling USM.

I don’t think USM will need a wall in a few decades. USM, living off the glory of its predecessor USA, has been pushing out talented immigrants, losing the data race to China and is draining resources in the middle-east without any strategic vision. USM has clearly created a vacuum on top, with no single country truly as a leader on all fronts has left the world confused. USM has some money, China looks like its clearly on the right trajectory, Canada is so nice and accepting, Europe is so beautiful, Australia — well thats just far away from everything. To top it all, the climate is acting up and ready to spit out humans. It was good while it lasted says mother earth.

The more you read, hear and think — the clearer it becomes. We are living through a very unique time of progress and regress happening simultaneously. The world has gone through waves and crests of kingdoms controlling vast areas on earth to shrinking when challenged by an emerging power, chipping away on its territory. While there is no more chipping away of territory — largely — and the maps are pretty much drawn, the power struggle for industry, wealth, strategic allies are very real. The next few decades are going to be unlike the last few in more ways than one. There is no Uncle Sam. There is no world leader. There are some living off the glory, their are some seeking glory. Welcome to the new world order. There is none.

Curly fries

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